
Youtube video: snoRNA-tRNA network in embryonic development.

2023-11. See recording of a recent online talk at Guangzhou RNA Club

2023-11. Kongpan won the best poster award at the UC Riverside RNA Biology and Medicine Symposium!
2023-10. Our snoRNA interactome paper is out on PNAS! Solving the decades-old orphan snoRNA mystery. Great work from Minjie, Kongpan, Jianhui, and all collaborators! The work was highlighted by GenomeTDCC on Youtube.
2023-09. Our second PhD student, Wilson has defended his dissertation, also in 5 years. Congrats Dr. Lee!
2023.08. Our first PhD student, Ryan Van Damme graduated in 5 years, and started as a Senior Scientist at Pfizer, making better mRNA vaccines!
2023-08. Master student Shubham Mewada joined EclipseBio as research associate. Congratulations!
2023-06. Welcome BUGS Jr students and volunteers Vincent Villanueva, Reyansh Gangal, Jennifer Galvez and Rakhay Burtzlaff!
2023-03. Wilson published a detailed and optimized protocols for PARIS2 and SHARC!
2023-05. We have received our third NIH grant, a new R01, on decoding structures and therapeutic targeting RNA alternative splicing in neurodevelopment and disease!
2023-02. Our first postdoc, Minjie Zhang started his own lab at Tianjin Medical University. Congratulations on this incredible achievement!
2023-01. Published a comprehensive review on RNA crosslinking chemistry and methods with Dr. Wim Velema, on JACS Au!

Zhipeng, Wilson, Ryan (now in Pfizer) and Shubham (now in EclipseBio). Graduation season

2022-10. Presenting our work at the 5th SoCal RNA Symposium, UC Irvine
2022-08. Ryan received the prestigious Charles and Charlotte Krown Fellowship. Congratulations!
2022-08. Received the USC Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Award. Thank you for your support!
2022-06. Dr. Lu give a talk at the RNA Society meeting in Boulder CO.
2022-05. Our CRSSANT (croissant, continuing with the French theme of PARIS) paper is out on Genome Research. Congratulations Minjie, Kongpan, Jianhui and our collaborators Irena Hwang, James Zou, and Tsachy Weissman at Stanford!
2022-02. Our SHARC method is out on Nature Communications, moving in vivo RNA structurome / interactome to 3D! Congratulations to our fantastic team Ryan, Kongpan, Minjie and Wim!

2021-12. Received the USC ALPD and Cirrhosis Research Center Pilot grant. Thank you for your support!
2021-07. We have received our second NIH grant, R35 from NIGMS, to decode 3D RNA structures in vivo. Thank you for the support!
2021-05. Dr. Lu gave a talk at the 2021 RNA Society meeting.
2021-04. Our PARIS2 paper is out on Nature Communications. New physics, chemistry, enzymology and sequencing, >4000 more efficient structurome and interactome capture. Congratulations Minjie, Kongpan, Jianhui and coauthors!

2020-12. The XIST topology paper is finally out in Nature Communications. The most comprehensive structure model for this lncRNA!
2020-06. Welcome our first SURF student Steve Peralta from CalState LA!
2020-05. Our first batch of master students graduated, moving on to greener pastures (literally and figuratively, you know what I mean if you have been to California :D)
2020-05. Received USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center CCSG award. Thank you for your support!

2019-08. Received the USC Research Center for Liver Diseases Pilot award. Thank you for your support!
2019-08. Welcoming two new postdocs to our lab, Drs. Kongpan Li and Jianhui Bai!
2019-07. Jiacheng received the Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019 Inspire Award. Congratulations!
2019-05. Welcoming our first batch of PhD students, Ryan Van Damme and Wilson Lee!
2019-04. Received pilot funding from USC Keck Genomics Platform and Illumina. Thank you for the support!

Lab in 2019: Xinyi, Yao, Chengqing, Maia, Jianhui, Kongpan, Zhipeng, Wilson, Jiacheng, Minjie and Ryan

2018-09. Welcoming our first batch of master students: Jiacheng Ding, Chengqing Yu, Yao Xiao, and Xinyi Wang!
2018-08. Welcoming our first postdoc to USC, Dr. Minjie Zhang!
2018-07. Lu lab officially opened at USC, fulfilling my own prophecy from 5 years ago. Thank you Greg and Howard for the freedom and support!

Prior to USC

2017-08. Proudly supported by K99/R00 from NHGRI. Thank you!
2017-02. Received the RNA Society Scaringe Award. Thank you for the recognition!
2016-07. Received by the Stanford University Jump Start Award for Excellence in Research. Thank you for your support!
2016-05. PARIS method published on cover of Cell, moving in vivo RNA structure analysis to 2D :D. Also selected on the cover of Best of Cell 2016. See the fun video.
2015-05. Received the Damon Runyon-Sohn Pediatric Cancer Fellowship Award. Thank you and the Layton Family for your support!
2014-08. Graduated from UNC Chapel Hill, moving to Stanford to continue with the pursuit of PARIS.
2013-05. With the inception of PARIS (not the French capital), I have unofficially started the Lu lab in stealth mode 😀